Multiple benefits

The variety of components used within sustainable drainage delivers a wide range of benefits over and above those typically associated with SuDS, ie flood risk management, water quality, amenity and biodiversity.
SuDS deliver multiple environmental, social and economic benefits (sometimes expressed within supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural ecosystem services). In addition to managing flows, volumes, and diffuse pollution some components (particularly vegetated or landscaped features) can positively impact air quality, carbon reduction, recreation, education and other elements of community health and wellbeing having monetary or intangible social value. For more information see our section on SuDS benefits.
The benefits are very closely aligned with those associated with green infrastructure and as such these approaches also provide flexibility for those communities needing to adapt to a changing climate. Well designed, planned and managed sustainable drainage can bring a wide range of benefits to local communities and places – and can underpin sustainable economic growth.
For further information on approaches to assess the multiple benefits of SuDS is provided in The costs and benefits of SuDS
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