Component: Geocellular systems

Geocellular systems can be used to control and manage rainwater surface water runoff either as a soakaway or as a storage tank. The modular/honeycomb nature of geocellular systems means that they can be tailored to suit the specific requirements of any site.
Advantages & disadvantages
Modular and flexible
Dual usage (i.e. infiltration and/or storage)
High void ratios (up to 96%) providing high storage volume capacity
Lightweight, easy to install and robust
Capable of managing high flow events
Can be installed beneath trafficked or non-trafficked areas (providing structural performance is proven to be sufficient)
Long-term physical and chemical stability
Can be installed beneath public open spaces , e.g. play areas.
No water quality treatment or amenity provision
Performance can be difficult to monitor
Can be difficult to maintain
Where component can be used
Residential: Yes
High density: Yes
Retrofit: Yes
Contaminated sites: Yes
Sites above vulnerable groundwater: Yes
Peak flow reduction: Good
Volume reduction: Poor (storage only)
Volume reduction: Good (with infiltration)
Water quality treatment: Poor
Amenity potential: Poor
Ecology potential: Poor
Regular inspection of silt traps, manholes, pipework and pre-treatment devices, with removal of sediment and debris as required.
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