National Standards for Sustainable Drainage


Non-statutory technical standards have been produced by Defra for England and the Welsh Government for Wales. There’s an expectation that SuDS will be designed and constructed in accordance with these standards that are also consistent with the SuDS Manual. A number of local authorities have produced their own policy and guidance, the Local Planning Authority should be contracted with regards to their local requirements at the earliest opportunity.


English non-statutory SuDS technical standards 

Defra, 2015

Standards for the design, maintenance and operation of SuDS.


Non-Statutory Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage: Practice Guidance

LASOO, 2016

Guidance on the English non-statutory SuDS technical standards produced by the LASOO advisory group.


Recommended non-statutory standards for sustainable drainage in Wales

Welsh Government, 2016
Standards and guidance for SuDS serving new developments


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