Component: Green roofs

Green roofs comprise a multi-layered system that covers the roof of a building or podium structure with vegetation cover/landscaping. The roof is likely to consist of an impermeable layer, a susbstrate or growing medium and a drainage layer (although not all green roofs require a drainage layer).
Green roofs are designed to intercept and retain precipitation, reducing the volume of runoff and attenuating peak flows.
Advantages and disadvantages
Mimic predevelopment state of hydraulics and hydrology
Good removal capability of atmospherically deposited urban pollutants
Can be applied in high density developments
Can be retrofitted (reliant on site specifics)
Ecological, aesthetic and amenity benefits
No additional land take
Improve air quality
Help manage urban heat island impacts
Insulates buildings against temperature extremes
Reduces the expansion and contraction of roof membranes
Sound absorption
Cost (compared to conventional roof)
Not appropriate for steep roofs
Opportunities for retrofitting may be limited by roof structure (strength, pitch etc)
Maintenance of roof vegetation
Any subsequent damage to waterproof membrane likely to be more critical since water is encouraged to remain on the roof
Where component can be used?
Residential: Yes
Commercial/industrial: Yes
High density: Yes
Retrofit: Yes
Contaminated sites: Yes
Sites above vulnerable groundwater: Yes
Peak flow reduction: Medium
Volume reduction: Medium
Water quality treatment: Good
Amenity potential: Good
Ecology potential: Good
Irrigation is needed during establishment of vegetation for some roofs
Inspection for bare patches and replacement of plants will be required on a regular basis
Litter removal may be required (depending on setting and use)
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